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  • Writer's pictureJim Hostler

The Transformative Power of Compassion

Anger is a powerful emotion, one that often arises when we feel wronged or when we witness injustice in the world around us. It can be an instinctual response, as easily tripped as fight, flight, or freeze. And it can be a protective mechanism that helps us stand up for ourselves or those we care about. But know it is the ego, your small self, that put itself firmly in the driver's seat when anger takes control. However, what if I told you that there is an even more potent force within us—a force that has the power to transform not only our own lives but also the world we live in? That force is compassion. Compassion resides in the domain of love, your heart wisdom.

Let's explore the dichotomy of anger versus compassion. Let's explore instead of letting anger consume us, we can choose the path of compassion to bring about transformation in our lives. Compassion is also an emotion that helps and supports us in fulfilling our life's vision and purpose.

Remember, your ego has but three primary goals; survival, to predict and control. Anger puts your ego in the driver's seat in the control mode. Anger is a natural and sometimes necessary response to perceived injustice or wrongdoing. It can serve as a call to action, motivating us to address issues and protect our boundaries. However, it can also be a destructive force, causing harm to our well-being and our relationships if left unchecked. When we are angry, our focus narrows, and we tend to see the world in black and white. We might blame others, hold grudges, and engage in destructive behaviors. Anger, if not managed, can become a cycle that keeps us trapped in negativity and low vibration. And in knowing one of the Law's of the Universe - like attracts unto itself, how long do you want to hang out in this energy?

Compassion, on the other hand, is a force that has the potential to heal and transform. It is the ability to recognize suffering, both in ourselves and in others, and respond with kindness and understanding rather than anger. Compassion opens our hearts, widens our perspective, and connects us to a deeper well of empathy. Choosing compassion means choosing love over anger. It means pausing in the face of anger and asking ourselves, "What if the other person didn't know better? What if they didn't intend to harm us?" And simply the most powerful question you can ask yourself in the choice point of do you express anger or compassion, is "what will help and support me to fulfill my life's vision?" Chances are very high that anger never has a place to help you fulfill your purpose and life vision, compassion almost always does.

Compassion in Practice

1. Self-Compassion: Begin with yourself. Instead of berating yourself for feeling angry, acknowledge your emotions with kindness. Understand that anger is a natural response, but it doesn't define you: you experience the emotion of anger but you are not anger. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer to a dear friend.

2. Empathize: When faced with a situation that triggers anger - BREATH - take a moment to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Try to understand their perspective and motivations. This is a perfect time to stop and seek to understand the other instead of jumping to conclusions and reacting with anger.

3. Communicate: Engage in open and compassionate communication. Express your feelings and needs without blame or judgment. This can lead to a deeper understanding and resolution of conflicts. And we can always disagree yet respect each other and still have a relationship.

4. Acts of Kindness: Small acts of kindness can go a long way. Sometimes, showing compassion through your actions can inspire others to do the same. Remember, compassion is contagious. Compassion is your heart energy expressing, it is a much higher vibration than anger.

5. What do you want to give your power to? Is it really worth getting angry over this issue or at this person? If you do, you have plugged into the energy, the vibration, of the issue at hand. Reacting and giving your power away is not self-empowerment. Take the high road, raise your vibration, your energy, and in doing so, new perceptions unveil themselves. This leads to a transformative way of seeing and dealing with the issue that caused you to initially feel angry.

6. Life is but a reflection of your inner self. If anger wants to speak to you, stop and turn within. Now, see the other person as caring enough about you to point to a place in your inner world that needs healing. It is always about you, not them. Remember, anger has its roots in the egoic construct. Ego is separation, smallness, and fear.

7. Choosing compassion over anger not only transforms your own life but also has a ripple effect on those around you. When you respond with understanding and kindness, you create an environment where others feel safe to do the same. Compassion has the power to break the cycle of negativity and lead to positive change in your relationships and the world at large.

In the battle between anger and compassion, the latter emerges as the victor—a force that can heal wounds, bridge divides, and create a more just and compassionate world. While anger may have its place in our lives - rarely - it is compassion that holds the key to lasting transformation. It is also the energy in which you will stay focused on your guiding star, your life's vision. And this path has us fulfilling our purpose and living a life of fulfillment.

So, the next time you feel anger rising within you, take a breath, choose compassion, and watch as the world around you begins to change for the better. After all, as the saying goes, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

OM Spiritual Center
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